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Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference - free



adj., adv., & v. --adj. (freer; freest) 1 not in bondage to or under the control of another; having personal rights and social and political liberty. 2 (of a State, or its citizens or institutions) subject neither to foreign domination nor to despotic government; having national and civil liberty (a free press; a free society). 3 a unrestricted, unimpeded; not restrained or fixed. b at liberty; not confined or imprisoned. c released from ties or duties; unimpeded. d unrestrained as to action; independent (set free). 4 (foll. by of, from) a not subject to; exempt from (free of tax). b not containing or subject to a specified (usu. undesirable) thing (free of preservatives; free from disease). 5 (foll. by to + infin.) able or permitted to take a specified action (you are free to choose). 6 unconstrained (free gestures). 7 a available without charge; costing nothing. b not subject to tax, duty, trade-restraint, or fees. 8 a clear of engagements or obligations (are you free tomorrow?). b not occupied or in use (the bathroom is free now). c clear of obstructions. 9 spontaneous, unforced (free compliments). 10 open to all comers. 11 lavish, profuse; using or used without restraint (very free with their money). 12 frank, unreserved. 13 (of a literary style) not observing the strict laws of form. 14 (of a translation) conveying the broad sense; not literal. 15 forward, familiar, impudent. 16 (of talk, stories, etc.) slightly indecent. 17 Physics a not modified by an external force. b not bound in an atom or molecule. 18 Chem. not combined (free oxygen). 19 (of power or energy) disengaged or available. --adv. 1 in a free manner. 2 without cost or payment. 3 Naut. not close-hauled. --v.tr. 1 make free; set at liberty. 2 (foll. by of, from) relieve from (something undesirable). 3 disengage, disentangle. Phrases and idioms free agent a person with freedom of action. free and easy informal, unceremonious. free association Psychol. a method of investigating a person's unconscious by eliciting from him or her spontaneous associations with ideas proposed by the examiner. free-born inheriting a citizen's rights and liberty. Free Church a Church dissenting or seceding from an established Church. free enterprise a system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of State control. free fall movement under the force of gravity only, esp.: 1 the part of a parachute descent before the parachute opens. 2 the movement of a spacecraft in space without thrust from the engines. free fight a general fight in which all present join. free-for-all a free fight, unrestricted discussion, etc. free-form (attrib.) of an irregular shape or structure. free hand freedom to act at one's own discretion (see also FREEHAND). free-handed generous. free-handedly generously. free-handedness generosity. free house Brit. an inn or public house not controlled by a brewery and therefore not restricted to selling particular brands of beer or liquor. free kick Football a set kick allowed to be taken by one side without interference from the other. free labour the labour of workmen not in a trade union. free-living 1 indulgence in pleasures, esp. that of eating. 2 Biol. living freely and independently; not attached to a substrate. free love sexual relations according to choice and unrestricted by marriage. free market a market in which prices are determined by unrestricted competition. free on board (or rail) without charge for delivery to a ship or railway wagon. free pass an authorization of free admission, travel, etc. free port 1 a port area where goods in transit are exempt from customs duty. 2 a port open to all traders. free radical Chem. an unchanged atom or group of atoms with one or more unpaired electrons. free-range esp. Brit. (of hens etc.) kept in natural conditions with freedom of movement. free rein see REIN. free school 1 a school for which no fees are charged. 2 a school run on the basis of freedom from restriction for the pupils. free speech the right to express opinions freely. free-spoken speaking candidly; not concealing one's opinions. free-standing not supported by another structure. free trade international trade left to its natural course without restriction on imports or exports. free verse = VERS LIBRE. free vote a Parliamentary vote not subject to party discipline. free wheel the driving wheel of a bicycle, able to revolve with the pedals at rest. free-wheel v.i intr. 1 ride a bicycle with the pedals at rest, esp. downhill. 2 move or act without constraint or effort. free will 1 the power of acting without the constraint of necessity or fate. 2 the ability to act at one's own discretion (I did it of my own free will). free world esp. US the non-Communist countries. Derivatives freely adv. freeness n. Etymology: OE freo, freon f. Gmc FREE comb. form free of or from (duty-free; fancy-free).
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  I. adjective (~r; ~st) Etymology: Middle English, from Old English frēo; akin to Old High German frī ~, Welsh rhydd, Sanskrit priya own, dear Date: before 12th century 1. having the legal and political rights of a citizen, enjoying civil and political liberty , enjoying political independence or ~dom from outside domination, enjoying personal ~dom ; not subject to the control or domination of another, 2. not determined by anything beyond its own nature or being ; choosing or capable of choosing for itself, determined by the choice of the actor or performer , made, done, or given voluntarily or spontaneously, 3. relieved from or lacking something and especially something unpleasant or burdensome , not bound, confined, or detained by force, 4. having no trade restrictions, not subject to government regulation, not subject to restriction or official control, 5. having no obligations (as to work) or commitments , not taken up with commitments or obligations , having a scope not restricted by qualification , 7. not obstructed, restricted, or impeded , not being used or occupied , not hampered or restricted in its normal operation, 8. not fastened , not confined to a particular position or place , capable of moving or turning in any direction , performed without apparatus , done with artificial aids (as pitons) used only for protection against falling and not for support , 9. not parsimonious , outspoken, availing oneself of something without stint, frank, open, overly familiar or forward in action or attitude, licentious, not costing or charging anything, 11. a. not united with, attached to, combined with, or mixed with something else ; separate , ~standing , chemically uncombined , not permanently attached but able to move about , capable of being used alone as a meaningful linguistic form , 12. not literal or exact , not restricted by or conforming to conventional forms , favorable, not allowing slavery, open to all comers, ~ness noun Synonyms: see: ~ II. transitive verb (~d; ~ing) Date: before 12th century 1. to cause to be ~, to relieve or...
Толковый словарь английского языка


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